Forró from Brazil

"Forró is a type of Brazilian dance and the music associated with it; forró was developed from Baião and the dance rhythms quadrilha and xaxado, with influences of European Folk Music like chula and schottische. Forró is the most popular genre in Brazil's Northeastern region, but is also common in the Southeast, albeit with a radically different type of dance " -- Janet Jongebloed

Web sites:   Great Brazilian Music   Baião (music)   Blog   The Fun of Forro
Videos:   Documentary!   Documentary   Brazil for Life   Brazil for Life   BrazilDanceeVideos
  Copa 2011 (10)   2012 (9)   Robson e Nadia   Music,photos   Music
Music:   Youtube: Trio Forrozao Completo 1:14:00 Classic Forro Tunes
  Youtube: Forro Pe de Serra OS 10 30:00
  Youtube: 1st Festival de Forro de Itaunas 48:00

  Radio Forro em Vinil   Playlist: janet-jongebloed
  iTunes: Luiz Gonzaga: Sabido   iTunes: Luiz Gonzaga: Baiao de Dois

In Toronto . . .

Facebook:   Forró Toronto
Bands:   Zé Fuá Band   Aline Morales Forró Trio   Maria Bonita & the Band
Places:   Remix Lounge   Touché Martini Lounge   Bavia Arts   Brazil Dance World   Lula Lounge
  (UofT "university" style & practice, Tu 1800, Fr 18:30.)
  (974 Bloor W, Samba de Gafiera & Forro practice, Tu 20:00, Sa 14:00.)

Context (Arm-Figures): Wikipedia: Ländler Dancilla: Ländler Dancilla: Figure-Dance (Videos)

Improvements are most welcome. peterATdancingDOTorg