The Waltz

The Waltz is an Alpine Dance. It is a smoothly turning travelling couple dance.
The Zwiefache and the Hambo (Deutscher Dreher, Dreischritt Dreher) are the closest relatives of the Waltz.
The Schottische, Snoa, and Polka are also very similar.
The word "walzen" means to roll, i.e. to travel while turning perfectly smoothly.

In Toronto there is:

Simon's Mostly Waltz (some Fridays)

Blue Danube (has a few excellent dances a year, with authentic Waltz dancing music)

An excellent opportunity to dance the traditional waltz, along with other traditional dances, are Fiddle Jamborees.

Peter Renzland 416 323-1300   _@_      {)/' (}, @  `\@    {)/'  TORONTO  /\ /\_._,(_/   ()_/7   /\_._,(_\
Traditional Social Dancing. '  \      /_\  /_\ /)  /\      /_\
Je  danse,  donc  je  suis.    /)    /(    / )( \ '  )     (  `